Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Art of Peer Pressure by Texting

Melnick, M. (2010, November 09). 'Hyper-texters' are More Likely to try Drugs have Sex. Retrieved from time.com: http://healthland.time.com/2010/11/09/study-hyper-texters-are-more-likely-to-try-drugs-have-sex/

Hyper-texting is sending an excessive amount of text messages a day. In the article "'Hyper-texting’ Teens More Likely to have had Sex, Tried Drugs,” Meredith Mel nick states teens that send out more than 120 text messages a day are more likely to be susceptible  to have had sex or used illegal drugs or drank alcohol than their peers who text less. Melnick adds that the “Hyper-texters” are also more likely to get into fights, and misuse drugs and alcohol. Melnick explains that researchers say it has to do with peer pressure and lack of parental discipline. “In the survey of 4,200 Cleveland-are high school students, 20% were designated as hyper-texters; about 11% were considered hyper-networkers, who reported spending three or more hours per day on social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace.  About 4% of students both hyper-texted and hyper-networked.” This information unfolds that almost half of the students that go to school there are addicts of social media. This article definitely has some truths about its claim because before I had a phone; I didn’t feel the pressure at all to do drugs and alcohol, but as soon as I did get a phone I did feel pressured by my peers.

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